After 40 years of working for one company - QHSE & IT Manager Andy Retires from Cowes Software Company

Islander Andy Bloodworth from Yokogawa Marex looks forward to his well-earned retirement, 40 years after joining the then Marine Exploration Ltd. in 1983.

Andy Bloodworth, QSHE & IT Manager at Yokogawa Marex Throughout his employment, Andy has seen many changes to the company including three name changes with himself having several different roles.

Andy began his career as a part-time Admin Assistant role and was quickly offered a full-time Company Buyer position. In 1992, Andy was tasked with relocating Yokogawa Marex from its former premises in Cowes High Street to its present location at Medina Road.

During his career Andy has been responsible for Purchasing, Quality Systems, Facilities, Health and Safety and Environmental Management. In 2006 Andy became the QHSE & IT Manager and joined the Senior Management Team. 

Amongst Andy’s numerous successes, he implemented from scratch a formal quality management system and attained certification to the ISO9001 Quality Standard in 1995.This quality system is the foundation for the development and delivery of software solutions deployed in over 3,500 installations at major industrial facilities across the globe.

Andy Bloodworth commented “Whilst having spent 40 years of my working life in one company, it has had three different names and I have had several different roles and developed a good career, and I am very proud of my accomplishments in that time. Probably most importantly, I met and married my wife of 20 years who was a fellow employee.”

Wayne Matthews, Divisional Director concludes, “I would like to thank Andy for his loyalty and dedication throughout the past 40 years and his many achievements that have helped to shape and define the company we are today, we all wish him well for a very happy and enjoyable well deserved retirement.”

Andy’s last day will be Friday 31st March which will be marked with a small celebration to say thank you.


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